- Ten years as Press Officer and Spokesperson for the Headquarters in Berlin (2002-2013). Strategic planning and execution of press relations, particularly in the international area.
- Internal and external communications advisor, GRC-Tracing Services. Contact: Dorota Dziwoki, Head of Tracing Services, Dziwokid(AT)drk.de
- Informational delegate, on-site press work during the Elbe flooding in Germany in 2013, Contact: GRC-Spokesperson Dieter Schütz, schuetz(AT)drk.de
- Guest lecturer for public relations and crisis communication
- Management of role play crisis communication
- Contact: Jana Lambrecht, jana.lambrecht(AT)gast.hs-magdeburg.de
- Workshop „Press and Public Relations“
- Press work „Ich bin entscheidend“
- Contact: Maike Just, maike.just.extern(AT)aktion-mensch.de, Alexander Westheide, alexander.westheide (AT) aktion-mensch.de
- Seminar: Press and Public Relations, Masters of Science Program "Public Health"
- Contact: Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Gardemann, gardemann(AT)fh-muenster.de
- Workshop on the topic of public relations and marketing
- Contact: Mandy Waberer, mandy.waberer(AT)lvg-lsa.de